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Copping, Kristine

Kristine Copping, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Faculty; Professor of Psychology


Phone Number: (334) 833-4318
Office and/or Address: Flowers Hall, Room 213 B


  • Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • M.A., Developmental Psychology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • B.A., Psychology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


Dr. Kristine Copping completed her Ph.D. and master’s degrees at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where she served as a teaching assistant, instructor, and supervisor for the undergraduate independent research course; and Bachelor of Arts in psychology at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.  She has published and presented on a variety of topics related to the influence of gender and race on perceptions of adolescents.  She is a member of the Society for Research in Child Development and the Society for Research in Adolescents.


  • Exemplary Teacher Award, Huntingdon College, 2024
  • Exemplary Teacher Award, Huntingdon College, 2018
  • Julia Lightfoot Sellers Award for Excellence in Teaching, Huntingdon College, 2015

Grants and Fellowships

  • NetVUE Reframing the Institutional Saga Grant (totaling $40,000 over two years) 2021-2023; duties included: Chair of grant-writing committee
  • Spencer Foundation Education Science and Policy Fellowship, 2007–2008
  • Office of Undergraduate Research Fellowship (served as a mentor to an undergraduate honors psychology student), 2006–2007
  • Center for Teaching and Learning Future Faculty Fellowship Program, 2006


  • Skinner, O. D., Kurtz-Costes, B., Vuletich, H., Copping, K. E., & Rowley, S. J. (2021). Race differences in Black and White adolescents’ academic gender stereotypes across middle and late adolescence, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(3), 537-545.
  • Kurtz-Costes, B., Copping, K. E., Rowley, S. J., & Kinlaw, C. R. (2014). Gender and age differences in awareness and endorsement of gender stereotypes about academic abilities. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 29, 603-618.
  • Copping, K. E., Kurtz-Costes, B., Rowley, S. J., & Wood, D. A.  (2013). Age and race differences in racial stereotype awareness and endorsement, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(5), 971-980.
  • Evans, A. B., Copping, K. E., Rowley, S. J., & Kurtz-Costes, B. (2011). Academic self-concept in Black adolescents: Do race and gender stereotypes matter? Self and Identity, 10, 263-277.
  • Wood, D. A., Kurtz-Costes, B., & Copping, K. E. (2011). Motivational pathways to college for African American youth: A test of expectancy-value theory.  Developmental Psychology, 47, 961-968.


  • Copping, K. E., & Young, W. J. (2020). Remote Instruction: Highlights from The RemoteSummit. Presentation to the faculty of Huntingdon College at the July (Zoom) faculty development workshop, Montgomery, AL.
  • Copping, K. E., & Stiles, T. S. (2019). Implicit sex/gender bias. Presentation to the students and faculty of Huntingdon College as a part of Title IX programming, Montgomery, AL.
  • Copping, K. E., & Mugno, A. P. (2018). High Achievers, High Stress? Presentation to the Honors Program students of Huntingdon College as a part of the fall Hawk Squawk series, Montgomery, AL.
  • Copping, K. E., & Mugno, A. P. (2018). Learning, Memory, and Success. Presentation to the students of Huntingdon College as a part of the spring Hawk Talk series, Montgomery, AL.
  • Copping, K.E. (2017). Implicit sex/gender bias: What is it?  What can you do about it? Presentation to the students and faculty of Huntingdon College as a part of Title IX programming, Montgomery, AL.
  • Copping, K. E., & Scrivner, A. L. T. (2015). Implicit thinking in the classroom. Presentation to the faculty of  Huntingdon College at the September faculty development workshop, Montgomery, AL.
  • Copping, K. E., Kurtz-Costes, B., Wood, D., & Skinner, O. (2013). Race differences in the development of academic gender stereotypes of Black and White adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
  • Skinner, O., Kurtz-Costes, B., Copping, K. E., Wood, D., Perkins, K., & Rowley, S. (2013). Gender identity in Black adolescents: Predictors and outcomes. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
  • Wood, D., Kurtz-Costes, B., Copping, K. E., & Skinner, O. (2013). Parents’ perceptions of youths’ math ability, youths’ self-perceptions of math ability, and youths’ intentions to pursue coursework and careers in math: A study of African American families. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
  • Wood, D., Adams, L., Copping, K. E., Hoffman, A., Kurtz-Costes, B., Perkins, K., Skinner, O., & Rowley, S. (2013). Gender differences in African American youths’ math and science self-concepts across school transitions. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
  • Copping, K.E., Skinner, O., Swinton, A., Hudgens, T., and Kurtz-Costes, B.  (2011).  Gender differences in the academic stereotypes and interests of black and white adolescents.  Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.  Montreal, Canada.
  • Skinner, O., Copping, K.E., Hudgens, T., Swinton, A., and Kurtz-Costes, B.  (2011).  Race and gender academic stereotype endorsement in black youth.  Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Montreal, Canada.
  • Swinton, A., Hudgens, T., Kurtz-Costes, B., and Copping, K.E.  (2011).  Valuing of math and English, course-taking and career expectations in African American youth.  Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.  Montreal, Canada.
  • Copping, K.E., Kurtz-Costes, B., and Rowley, S.  (2010).  Age and race differences in racial stereotype endorsement and awareness.  Presentation for the Carolina Seminar on Behavioral Research with Minority Populations.  Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Wood, D., Kurtz-Costes, B., and Copping, K.E.  (2010).  Motivational predictors of high school completion and college enrollment among African American adolescents.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence.  Philadelphia, PA.
  • Copping, K.E., Kurtz-Costes, B., and Rowley, S.J.  (2009).  Age and race differences in racial stereotype endorsement and awareness.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.  Denver, CO.
  • Copping, K.E., Kurtz-Costes, B., Wood, D.A., and Rowley, S.J. (2008).  Sex and race differences in the development of gender stereotypes.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence.  Chicago, IL.
  • Wood, D., Copping, K.E., Cooke, J., and Kurtz-Costes, B. (2008).  Parents’ expectations and adolescents’ school engagement in African American families.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Chicago, IL.
  • Kurtz-Costes, B., Rowley, S.J., Copping, K.E., Wood, D., Okeke, N.A., and Harris-Britt, A.  (2007).  Middle school adjustment in African American youth: gender and school contextual effects.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.  Boston, MA.
  • Taylor, L.C., Barnette, M.A., Copping, K.E., and Longest, K.C.  (2007).  Predicting parental emotion language during a storybook reading task with toddlers.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.  Boston, MA.
  • Evans, A.B., Copping, K.E., Rowley, S.J., and Kurtz-Costes, B.  (2006).  Which group matters? Relating beliefs about the academic abilities of race and gender in-groups and out-groups to the academic views of black adolescents.  Poster presented at the International Conference on the Self.  Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Kurtz-Costes, B., Copping, K.E., and Rowley, S.J.  (2006).  Academic gender stereotypes and perceptions of competence in young adolescents.  Poster presented at the Conference on the Self. Ann Arbor, MI.

Professional Memberships

  • Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), 2007–present
  • Society for Research in Adolescence (SRA), 2006–present


  • Consulting EditorEducational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology 2016-2018; Duties Included: Reviewing assigned manuscripts (up to 10-12 per year) and making recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief
  • Data Consultant, Better Choices Wellness, Nurture the Nurse Program 2013-2016; Supervisor: Deborah Lee, Ph.D., RN; Duties Included: Providing consultation on data collection and analysis options, data entry and analysis, writing-up results to be used in research reports
  • Research Lab Manager, Psychology Department, Univ. of North Carolina 2010-2011; Supervisor: Beth Kurtz-Costes, Ph.D.; Duties Included: Organizing and running weekly lab meetings, scheduling events, assigning tasks, overseeing graduate and undergraduate students’ performance, coordinating project details
  • Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Univ. of North Carolina 2005-2011; Supervisor: Beth Kurtz-Costes, Ph.D.; Duties Included: Data collection, participant retention, incentive management, data entry and analysis, preparation of research reports
  • Research Assistant, Psychology Department, University of Michigan 2003-2005; Supervisor: Ram Mahalingham, Ph.D.; Duties Included: Managing data collection at the university and in the community, data entry and analysis, creating visual representations of data, assisting in preparing manuscripts for publication


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